In April Whistler village is energized by free concerts, film and photography showdowns and skiing on soft spring snow. This year Easter coincides with World Ski and Snowboard Festival (WSSF) which takes place April 7–16th. WSSF has a packed event calendar that includes something for everyone.

State of the ART is one of the most vibrant and edgy art events in Whistler where invited artists create unique contemporary pieces and mingle with guests (Whistler Conference Centre, free entry). FIDO Free Outdoor Concert Series entertains massive ski-boot tapping, toque-bobbing crowds for 10 days in front of the Whistler Village Gondola. This year’s lineup includes such names as Busta Rhymes, Keys N Krates, Walk Off The Earth, Willa, Dakota Pearl and Swollen Members (Main Stage at Skier’s Plaza, free entry).

But it’s not just all fun – there’s games as well! Young skiers compete for national titles in Halfpipe, Slopestyle and Big Air Canadian at the Junior Freestyle National Championships (April 4–9, Blackcomb Terrain Park). Monster Energy Boarderstyle Tour Finals pits four riders head to head on a course that combines Boardercross with Big Air (April 15, Blackcomb Terrain Park). Why not join the halfpipe community ride and ski event (Halfpipe Fam Jam)?

In the evenings grab a seat at one of the many evening events. At the OLYMPUS 72hr Filmmaker Showdown filmmakers are tasked to shoot, edit and produce a short film within a 100km radius of Whistler in 72 hours (April 12, Whistler Conference Centre). At INTERSECTION chosen crews put together a short ski/snowboard film that incorporates artistic vision and a whole lot of shredding (April 14, Whistler Conference Centre). Even comedians go head-to head: Whistler Comedy Showdown features comics from all walks of life including headliner John Beuhler (April 11, Buffalo Bills).

All in all there are just too many events to list here! For a full schedule see the official WSSF pages.
Say goodbye to winter with a bang! We still have some availability in April so check out our website or call our reservations team directly toll free at: 1-877-535-8282 or (604) 932-3510. We can set you and your family and friends up with discounted Lift Tickets and Rentals as well.